
How To Find The Right Accountant For You

Choosing the right financial professional is very important. Avoid the mistaken belief that all financial professionals are equally skilled and capable. Abilities and ethics vary from one person to another. It’s your money, so ensure that you’re protecting it and getting the best service possible. Take your time and find someone that fits your personality and needs.

Choose wisely when choosing a financial professional:

1. Ask friends for referrals. Ask those you trust for recommendations. Avoid following anyone’s advice blindly. These recommendations only serve as a starting point for further research. * Be wary of familial connections. If your neighbor recommends his brother, you might not be getting the best advice.

2. Do your research. With all the popularity of the internet, it’s quite easy to research the reputation of any financial professional. Whether you’re looking for a financial advisor, tax attorney, or accountant, the internet is always available. * Contact the Better Business Bureau and the State Attorney General, too. See how many complaints and lawsuits have been filed against your person of interest.

3. Ensure that you’re shopping in the correct aisle. A particular tax expert might specialize in working with farmers. If you’re not a farmer, that’s probably not the best option for you. A financial planner that specializes in working with teachers might not be the best choice if you’re a high net worth individual with complicated finances. * Be aware that no financial expert is the best choice for every type of client. Find someone that’s an expert at addressing your needs.

4. Check credentials. For example, certified financial planners and chartered financial consultants have different certifications. Accountants may or may not have a CPA. Find out what credentials your prospective expert has and verify them. Ensure that you understand what each of the credentials means.

5. Check on the price. How are you charged? A percentage? By the hour? By the job? Determine how the company generates its income. Is this acceptable to you? How does that compare to the competition? Is this person worth the cost?

6. Determine if you’d be working with that specific person or anyone that’s part of their team. This may or may not matter to you, but it can be nice to develop a relationship with someone that understands your needs and your finances more intimately.

7. Tailor questions to the specific field. For a financial planner, ask to see a sample of a financial plan. You might get a one-page summary or 20 pages of charts and graphs. Which appeals to you more? What is their investing philosophy? How often will he communicate with you? By what means?

8. Follow your gut. Ask yourself if you could work effectively with this person. Do you trust them? Do you feel confident about working with them, or would you be lying in bed at night worrying? * Follow your intuition once you’ve narrowed down the field to a few suitable candidates.

9. Review your choice each year. Keep your eye on the new addition to your financial team. At least once a year, evaluate your decision to hire them. Are you pleased with your choice? Would you like to find someone else instead? You have the right to change your mind and go in a different direction. Spend the necessary time to find the right financial professional for you.

Determine your needs and then find the best person to fulfill them.  It’s worth the effort required to find the best fit. We do recommend our services here at Amana Financial. Schedule a call today to see if we are a good fit for your accounting needs.

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Choosing a Financial Professional
Choosing a Financial Professional

Choosing the right financial professional is very important. Avoid the mistaken belief that all financial professionals are equally skilled and capable. Abilities and ethics vary from one person to another. It’s your money, so ensure that you’re protecting it and getting the best service possible. Take your time and find someone that fits your personality and needs.

Amana Financial is a great choice for you and your business but keep these things in mind.

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Amana Financial Blog Tips
Budgeting for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year due to the financial pressures. Between the gift giving, holiday entertaining, and the regular monthly expenses, it all adds up to an expensive time of year!

When you budget for the holidays early, you’ll have a handle on your holiday shopping and spending throughout the season.

Benefits of a Holiday Budget

Keeping a budget during the holiday season will benefit you in many ways. First, you’ll avoid overspending, which will keep you from playing “catch up” when the season ends. Second, you’ll reduce financial stress throughout the holiday season, which will make the experience more enjoyable for you.

A couple of simple budgeting practices during the next few months will have a positive impact on your holiday spending, which can help to prevent you from going overboard or becoming overwhelmed.

Try these holiday spending budget strategies to ease financial tension during this hectic season:

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Avoid These Common Budget Busters and Increase Your Savings

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Thankfully, there are steps that you can take to get your finances back on track.

Use these strategies to stick to your budget and achieve your financial goals:

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Amana Financial
Affordable Vacations: Travel With Friends or Family

Memories of family vacations are often the most vivid as one matures. Even though everything is getting more expensive, you can still create those unforgettable travel memories for your children.

One way to afford vacations is to travel in groups. Going on a trip with close friends or extended family members helps you cut travel costs dramatically.

Consider these tips:

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