6 Effective Options for Consolidating Your Debt

6 Effective Options for Consolidating Your Debt

Many consumers have a variety of debt. All the payments and different due dates are enough to drive anyone crazy. Wouldn’t it be nice to address all of your consumer debt with one, simple, monthly payment? There are many options for consolidating your debt into a single loan and eliminating some of the stress from your life.

How to Prepare for a Tax Audit

How to Prepare for A Tax Audit with Amana Financial Services

There is no reason to be afraid of an audit if you have been ethical and truthful in your accounting methods. However, it is best to be prepared for an audit to make sure that it runs smoothly. Different types of audits require different preparation methods.

Credit Card Warnings

While your credit card company might like to pretend they have your best interests at heart, it turns out that’s not always the case. Credit card companies, like most other businesses, have ‘loopholes’ in place to drain every cent they can from you. Being aware of these tactics is the best defense. Otherwise, you’ll be paying astronomical interest rates and navigating through a minefield of penalties that are only mentioned in the very fine print of your credit card agreement.